5 funniest moments in Supernatural Season 1

Photo Credit: Supernatural/The CW by Sergei Bachlakov Acquired from CW PR
Photo Credit: Supernatural/The CW by Sergei Bachlakov Acquired from CW PR /

Supernatural Season 1 was full of the creep-factor, but it also had the fun elements.

The first season of Supernatural helped to set the tone for the whole show. While there would be creepy elements, there was the reminder that this was about two brothers. That would mean pranks, humor and much more. Cue some hilarious moments for the series to beat later.

It’s sometimes hard to choose the funniest moments on a season. After all, a show like SPN has so many and humor is subjective. The best thing to do is bring up some of the most memorable hilarious moments from the Winchester brothers.

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The confusion over sexuality

One of the only things that gets many fans through “Bugs” is the jokes about the Winchesters’ sexuality. They get the exact same spiel from two people about accepting homeowners of any race, color and sexuality. There’s a cute initial discomfort between the two at first, but the second time Dean just rolls with it. What’s the point in explaining to people you’ve only just met.

However, it’s “Something Wicked” where the humor hits a higher note. A young boy just wants to know if the Winchesters require a “king or two queens.” Dean’s answer is normal, but there’s that laughable moment with the kid’s sarcasm. It’s no wonder Dean and the kid get along so well.

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The college fund

Sam and John get to have a heart-to-heart towards the end of the season and it’s perfect. John has the chance to apologize for everything he’d done, but make his intentions and reasons clear. What he also does is share the normal life he’d hoped his sons would have had. That leads to a discussion of the college fund.

There’s a laugh out loud moment when Sam wants to know about the college fund. After all, he got a scholarship to Stanford, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to go. In true John Winchester fashion, he states he spent it all on ammo.

Dean’s fear of flying

In the fourth episode, fans learn that Dean has a fear and it’s nothing many expected. Considering all the monsters and creatures he faces, his fear is extremely normal and somewhat odd for him. He’s afraid of flying. Of course, he can’t quite get the words out about it, so Sammy has to fill in the gaps.

In the end, Dean gets on the plane, but is overcome with the fear. Jensen Ackles overacts the fear, but that’s something that quickly becomes part of Dean’s personality. He can he tough on the outside but on the inside he can be a small child and it’s adorable.

The stripper priest bloopers

Okay, so technically this first one is not from the series but the blooper real. In “Nightmare,” the Winchesters decide to dress as priests to get into the home and find out more about the family. After all, while they grieved they were likely to talk to men of the cloth.

There’s one of the best bloopers ever from this episode. The Winchesters are dressed as stripper priests, making the rest of the cast and crew crack up. Not only is it funny for the fans to watch, but it’s an insight into the fun everyone had from the very first moment on the show.

In fact, all the bloopers have some of the funniest moments from the first season. This is just the one that stands out the most.

The prank war

“Hell House” reminded us that Sam and Dean were two brothers who do have a semi-normal relationship. While they may hunt monsters, they’re human and they like to play pranks on each other. Those pranks can sometimes get a little out of hand, causing them to call a truce every now and then.

The best moment from the pranks has to be in the dinner. Sam superglues Dean’s hand to his beer bottle. Rather than just laugh himself, he pulls on the string of the laughing wall hanger next to them adding the extra humor.

Next: 4 worst creatures from Supernatural Season 1 in terms of lore

What were your funniest moments from Supernatural Season 1? Share in the comments below.

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